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Homemade Ointment That Will Remove Your Cellulite After Only 7 Days Of Use!

The method of preparation of this homemade anti-cellulite cream is not troublesome. In particular, this cream is more proficient than the purchasing items.

This homemade anti cellulite cream, made by recipe will demonstrate the first results strictly when 7 days of utilization.

This cream is a perfect tool in the battle against the “orange peel” and it is additionally viable in the fight against stretch marks.

Homemade anti cellulite cream

• 100 ml of any baby cream
• 5-6 mumio tablets
• 20 drops of orange essential oil
• 3-5 drops of cinnamon essential oil
For its preparation the most suitable cream to use is the baby cream, because it does not contain harmful additives.
It has an ideal composition of fat and moisture
Mumio tablets are all the time utilized not just as a part of the fight with cellulite, additionally for stretch marks. Mumio tablets tighten the skin, build its flexibility, making it delicate and silky.
Essential citrus oils are exceptionally compelling in the fight against cellulite. You can without much of a stretch say this is the right allocation of these oils. You can choose yourself which oil to utilize: orange, lemon or lime. In any case you ought to realize that the valuable substances of the citrus oils will fix and feed your skin.
Cinnamon oil it has a wonderful aroma, as well as exceptionally successful in the fight against the cellulite. Joined with citrus oils, this oil gives brilliant results.
Preparation of the cream is very simple:
In a jar (not less than 150 ml), put 100 gr of baby cream. At that point add 5-6 finely powdered mumio tablets and blend. Keep the mumio tablets in the refrigerator, in light of the fact that that way it will be simpler to grind them into powder. Add 20 drops of orange (or whatever other citrus oil) and not more than 5 drops of cinnamon oil.
Blend well every one of the compounds, cover them and let them stay like that for around 8 to 10 hours. After that, mix the blend once more. At long last your anti cellulite cream is prepared for use. Keep in mind to close the container after each use.
For finest results it is important to rub the cream each day in the hazardous parts of the body utilizing powerful movements. Expect the first results after 7 days.
The shelf life of this cream is 3 weeks, after that make another one.
After applying the cream you should wait until your skin has ingested all the cream and after that put on your nightgown or pajamas (if you apply the cream before going to bed). You should keep in mind that dark spots from the mumio tablets can show up on your skin however they can be washed easily.

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