Onion is best known to be a great skin cleaner, blood purifier and bacteria killer.

The health benefits of onion consumption include mood improvement, lowers the risk of several cancer types and maintains the health of hair and skin.
Onions are very healthy whether they are raw or cooked, though the raw onion has higher level of organic sulfur compound, which provides numerous benefits.
Adding onions is a perfect way to put flavor to a dish, without adding any extra calories, sodium or fat. They are usually a staple in the kitchen and pair well with many dishes. They could be roasted, sautéed, caramelized or grilled, be used fresh as topping for salads or sandwiches and added to dips and salsas.
Onion can be very helpful in a case of disturbed thyroid.
Dr. Igor Knjazkinfrom from St. Petersburg, wrote a very effective recipe for thyroid gland treatment that includes red onions.
His method is very simple and a little bit odd. All you need to do is to cut up red onion in the evening, before sleeping, so that its juice could flow form it. Then, you should take one half of the onion and massage your neck around your thyroid gland area with smooth circular movements.
Afterward, go to bed and don’t wash your neck, so the onion juice could take effect through the night. The onion extract naturally supports the thyroid gland function. Then, place a slice of onion in your socks and go to sleep.
It is well known that red onions can eliminate bacteria, clean the skin and the phosphoric acids go in the bloodstream and incredibly purify the blood.
Traditional medicine claims that the onion has the following beneficial effects:

The health benefits of onion consumption include mood improvement, lowers the risk of several cancer types and maintains the health of hair and skin.
Onions are very healthy whether they are raw or cooked, though the raw onion has higher level of organic sulfur compound, which provides numerous benefits.
Adding onions is a perfect way to put flavor to a dish, without adding any extra calories, sodium or fat. They are usually a staple in the kitchen and pair well with many dishes. They could be roasted, sautéed, caramelized or grilled, be used fresh as topping for salads or sandwiches and added to dips and salsas.
Onion can be very helpful in a case of disturbed thyroid.
Dr. Igor Knjazkinfrom from St. Petersburg, wrote a very effective recipe for thyroid gland treatment that includes red onions.
His method is very simple and a little bit odd. All you need to do is to cut up red onion in the evening, before sleeping, so that its juice could flow form it. Then, you should take one half of the onion and massage your neck around your thyroid gland area with smooth circular movements.
Afterward, go to bed and don’t wash your neck, so the onion juice could take effect through the night. The onion extract naturally supports the thyroid gland function. Then, place a slice of onion in your socks and go to sleep.
It is well known that red onions can eliminate bacteria, clean the skin and the phosphoric acids go in the bloodstream and incredibly purify the blood.
Traditional medicine claims that the onion has the following beneficial effects:
- Purifies the air
- Purifies the blood
- Kills pathogens and bacteria