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After Reading This You Will Never Throw Away The Rice Water Again!

There is a very old Chinese treatment with rice water (the water with which you cooked the rice)that gives your body  energy, makes your skin healthy and your hair shiny.

With this two cheap ingredients : water and rice, you can have healthier body and beautiful skin, which is truly remarkable.

 So I doubt that after you read this you’ll throw the rice water again
This is the right time to read and find out about this Chinese medicine,  and its cosmetic and health benefits that you’ll have if you consume the rice water.

The healthy benefits of the rice water:

- It will give energy to your body and it will increase the concentration of carbohydrates.
- Its proven cure for gastroenteritis.
- Prevents cancer.
- It will regulate your high blood pressure successfully.
- It will regulate your body temperature successfully.

Rice Water

The beauty benefits of the rice water:

- It cleans your skin if you wash your face with this rice water.
- Perfect replacement for tonic.
- It prevents creation of pores on your face.
- Your hair will shine and stay healthy if you wash it with this rice water.
-  Make a bath.

Preparation of the rice water?

If you think or read that this is the water in which the rice is washed, that’s not true. You could use this water to, but this water won’t have all the benefits.

So we will present you the right way:

Boil the rice and put more water than you usually put. When it boils and it’s ready separate the water and the rice, and you can drink the water  warm or let you can let it cool. And this is the proper way of preparation of the rice water. The Chinese use it and claim that this water helps, so at least it’s worth a try.

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