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A Proven DIY Remedy To Get Soft & Smooth Feet In Just 2 days!

Today we are going to present you an amazing home remedy that will help you to cure and treat cracked heels and make them look stunning.

Standard sodium hydrogen carbonate is the first thing of this trick. The preparation of this powerful remedy is very simple and and it will take you no time.


You need the following ingredients:

  • 5 liters of water
  • 3 tbsp of sodium hydrogen carbonate


Dissolve the sodium correctly in predicament. Mix it well until you get homogenous mixture. The next thing you should do is to soak the feet in it and let them stay for 15 minutes. Rubbing your feet with a rock will remove the loose dead skin off the feet.

Afterwards rinse and wipe off the feet and apply them any foot care cream. Guard the feet with some cotton socks for a short time and keep them during the night for ideal results.

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before.

Source: www.emaggy.com

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