Stretch marks usually occur during sudden changes in body size, like during puberty, pregnancy, or rapid weight gain or weight loss.
Fortunately, there is a natural remedy which can help you prevent and remove the existing stretch marks on your skin.

3 oz/100 ml of palm oil (or any other vegetable oil)
8 oz/250 grams of sugar
8 oz/250 grams of salt
Mix well all the ingredients and gently rub in the resulting mixture on your stretch marks. After the procedure apply some moisturizing cream or body lotion.
Repeat the procedure every day for a month.
Fortunately, there is a natural remedy which can help you prevent and remove the existing stretch marks on your skin.

3 oz/100 ml of palm oil (or any other vegetable oil)
8 oz/250 grams of sugar
8 oz/250 grams of salt
Mix well all the ingredients and gently rub in the resulting mixture on your stretch marks. After the procedure apply some moisturizing cream or body lotion.
Repeat the procedure every day for a month.