Scientifically Proven :
Daily Consumption of Coconut Oil Leads to Waist Size Reduction!
Nowadays researchers say that the connection between weight loss and coconut oil lies in the length of fatty acid chains in coconut oil.
Coconut oil is composed of medium chained triglycerides (MCTs), or medium chain fatty acids.

There is a difference between MCTs and the longer chain fatty triglycerides (LCTs). Longer chain fatty acids or triglycerides (LCTs) are contained in nearly all vegetable oils. The body stores LCTs as fat and quickly burns MCTs for energy.
The oil of coconut is the richest source of MCTs, which promote thermogenesis. Thermogenesis boosts the metabolism, producing energy. Japanese survey shows that when consuming MCTs rich food (coconut oil, for example), the portal vein transports the triglycerides directly into the liver.
Firstly, when consuming LCTs instead of MCTs, the body aspires to store less fat. Secondly, when we eat as much as we need, consuming MCTs gives better effect than eating low-fat food to lower the stored fat.
Researchers conducted a study on the metabolic effects of meals containing 400 calories of MCTs and LCTs. Thecoconut oliy measured the metabolic rates 6 hours before and after the meals. The outcome was – meals containing MCTs increased the basal metabolic rate for 12% while meals containing LCTs increased it for 4%. Researchers agreed that even in the absence of reduced caloric intake, replacement of dietary fats with MCTs can give long weight loss results.
Coconut oil is nature’s most abundant source of MCTs. They increase the metabolism which leads to weight loss. MCTs also positively affect your health because of the lauric acid (predominant MCT in oil of coconut). Dr. Jon Kabara, who is a lipid researcher, says that MCTs in coconut oil are alike fats contained in mother’s milk, having similar effects in nutrition.
These effects were also accepted in Ayureveic medicine centuries ago. Modern studies confirm that there is a common connection between the fat and the lipid content of mother’s milk and coconut oil. Besides mother’s milk, nature’s richest source of lauric acid and MCTs is coconut oil, so there is an evidence that coconut oil helps you to lose weight.
Daily Consumption of Coconut Oil Leads to Waist Size Reduction!
Nowadays researchers say that the connection between weight loss and coconut oil lies in the length of fatty acid chains in coconut oil.
Coconut oil is composed of medium chained triglycerides (MCTs), or medium chain fatty acids.

There is a difference between MCTs and the longer chain fatty triglycerides (LCTs). Longer chain fatty acids or triglycerides (LCTs) are contained in nearly all vegetable oils. The body stores LCTs as fat and quickly burns MCTs for energy.
The oil of coconut is the richest source of MCTs, which promote thermogenesis. Thermogenesis boosts the metabolism, producing energy. Japanese survey shows that when consuming MCTs rich food (coconut oil, for example), the portal vein transports the triglycerides directly into the liver.
Firstly, when consuming LCTs instead of MCTs, the body aspires to store less fat. Secondly, when we eat as much as we need, consuming MCTs gives better effect than eating low-fat food to lower the stored fat.
Researchers conducted a study on the metabolic effects of meals containing 400 calories of MCTs and LCTs. Thecoconut oliy measured the metabolic rates 6 hours before and after the meals. The outcome was – meals containing MCTs increased the basal metabolic rate for 12% while meals containing LCTs increased it for 4%. Researchers agreed that even in the absence of reduced caloric intake, replacement of dietary fats with MCTs can give long weight loss results.
Coconut oil is nature’s most abundant source of MCTs. They increase the metabolism which leads to weight loss. MCTs also positively affect your health because of the lauric acid (predominant MCT in oil of coconut). Dr. Jon Kabara, who is a lipid researcher, says that MCTs in coconut oil are alike fats contained in mother’s milk, having similar effects in nutrition.
These effects were also accepted in Ayureveic medicine centuries ago. Modern studies confirm that there is a common connection between the fat and the lipid content of mother’s milk and coconut oil. Besides mother’s milk, nature’s richest source of lauric acid and MCTs is coconut oil, so there is an evidence that coconut oil helps you to lose weight.