Dark spots,
skin tags, warts and moles are some of the skin disorders that affect
us every day.
Changes in texture or color can result from allergic reactions, infection or inflammation anywhere on the body. Many of them can be easily treated, temporary and minor so we will advise you to read on to see how to cure them.
Overweight and diabetes people tend to have friction and skin folds. If some of your family has these skin disorders, you have a great chance of developing the growths. When your lymphatic system becomes congested, you will probably get skin tags.
Sun exposure, hormonal fluctuation and genetics affect the appearance. Some of them will disappear and fade, but some will stay on your face, so today we will present you some natural home remedies that will help you to remove the unsightly moles.
None of the remedies that we will present you today are overnight cures, they have significant proven track record. A third of the quarters linger about 2 years after they appear for the first time and a quarter disappear on their own within 6-8 months.
The actually appear on exposed skin such as hands, shoulders, chest, neck, back and face. Genetics, exposure and aging are the main reasons for dark spots. Weak liver functioning, vitamin deficiencies, pregnancy and stress are also factors that contribute to these problems.
Nobody wants to have spots from chicken pox, acne spots, sun spots and age spots over the skin. However there are many naturally ways to remove them forever.
Changes in texture or color can result from allergic reactions, infection or inflammation anywhere on the body. Many of them can be easily treated, temporary and minor so we will advise you to read on to see how to cure them.
Skin Tags Remedies
Skin tags are actually freshly bumps form the size of pea to the size of rice anywhere on the body. They especially occur when there is friction from clothing, where the skin folds, such as on the tights, under the breasts, on the neck, in the groin area.Overweight and diabetes people tend to have friction and skin folds. If some of your family has these skin disorders, you have a great chance of developing the growths. When your lymphatic system becomes congested, you will probably get skin tags.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
The skin tags will totally disappear in 2-4 weeks if you apply ACV with cotton ball several times a day.
2. Baking Soda & Castrol
Make a paste with baking soda and castor oil and apply it on the affected areas. Do the procedure until the skin becomes smooth.3. Tea Tree Oil
Put some drops of the oil to a cotton ball (previously moistened with water), apply it to the affected parts of the body and in the end cover it with bandage. The tags will start to become darker and disappear in 10 days.Natural Mole Removers
Many people find moles unattractive, but they actually posing no health concerns and harmless. Moles are flesh-colored or black brown spots on the skin caused due to the presence of melanocytes – melanin (cells that produce pigment). They can be raised or flat, smooth or rough, with or without hair.Sun exposure, hormonal fluctuation and genetics affect the appearance. Some of them will disappear and fade, but some will stay on your face, so today we will present you some natural home remedies that will help you to remove the unsightly moles.
1. Garlic
The presence of enzymes that break down the clusters pigment makes garlic one of the most powerful remedies for moles. It also lightens the pigment of the skin.- Cut fresh garlic and put it on the affect area (mole).
- It will be perfect to secure it with napkin or bandage and let it stay on the moles at least for hours or during the night.
- Practice the procedure every day for a several days. The moles will fall of in 5 days.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
The Acid content in ACV makes it very effective mole removal.- Put a little ACV on a cotton ball and place it on the mole.
- Secure it with medical tape or bandage and overnight.
- Do the procedure for 10 days.
3. Castor Oil
This oil eliminates and dissolves unusual growths, which makes it perfect for removing the moles, skin tags and moles.- Make e mixture between a few drops of castor oil and a pinch of baking soda
- Rub the paste on the affected area
- Let it stay for few hours until it dries
- Do the procedure to times a day for 30 days
Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Warts
There are over 100 types of warts. Some of them can pose serious problems, while others are relatively harmless. Warts can be spread to other areas (parts) of the human body because they are caused by viruses. You should try these natural remedies id mainstream treatment has not worked for you.None of the remedies that we will present you today are overnight cures, they have significant proven track record. A third of the quarters linger about 2 years after they appear for the first time and a quarter disappear on their own within 6-8 months.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV is one of the most powerful remedies for warts. Apple cider vinegar is rich in anti inflammatory properties that eliminate viruses and bacteria that cause warts. Clean the affected part after and before use. Put some acv on cotton ball and place it on the wart. Afterwards cover it with duct tape or band-air for at least one day. It will be perfect to practice this procedure before going to bed and remove it in the morning. The warts will go away in just a few weeks.2. Garlic
This powerful plant is also great remedy against warts. Make some garlic juice, put it on the affected area and cover it with band aid. Practice the procedure to times a day until the warts go away.3. Bananas
Bananas treatment has been proven as extremely effective way for removing the warts. You only have to apply and rub the inner surface of the fruit over the wart, several times a day. You will get better results if you press the inside of the peel over the affect areas and tape it before go to sleep. Remove the peel when you will get up and wash the warts. Do this procedure until the warts begin to soften which will be in a week time, but they will totally disappear in a few weeks.Dark Spot Home Remedies
You don’t need to subject your skin to laser treatment or chemical peels to hide or remove the dark spots on your face. We have natural remedies for insect bite scars , stubborn acne, for the most dark spots on your face.The actually appear on exposed skin such as hands, shoulders, chest, neck, back and face. Genetics, exposure and aging are the main reasons for dark spots. Weak liver functioning, vitamin deficiencies, pregnancy and stress are also factors that contribute to these problems.
Nobody wants to have spots from chicken pox, acne spots, sun spots and age spots over the skin. However there are many naturally ways to remove them forever.
1. Lemons
Freshly squeezed lemons juice is organic leaching agent against dark spots. You only on the have to make a freshly squeezed lemon juice, put it on a cotton ball and apply it on the affected areas two times a day.2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is powerful plant that regenerates the skin and removes brown spots caused by sun exposure.- Apply and rub aloe vera gel on the spots, let it stay for 30 minutes and then wash with cold water. Do the procedure two times a day for 30 days and expect the results.
- You can use aloe vera juice if you can not find aloe vera gel.